over the years I have become more and more disappointed in healthcare professionals and institutions and this is not just based on personal experience, but through my own observation during hospital visits/stay and speaking with friends and acquaintances. I developed a sense of distrust mixed with frustration and sadness, at how the sick, old and vulnerable left to the mercy of people who are too restricted by time management personal issues and bureaucratic regulations to show any care or common sense. Let me start with a recent story about me, I got an infection recently caused by pressure sore and even though I get regular visit of nurses who check on the wound, the pressure sore got worse, but that's fine I can find other explanation for the deterioration but when the wound started to leak badly, I contact the on call nurse, who is after all supposed to be available all for sorts of emergencies, but no the answer was simple and direct too busy to come, get someone to change the dressing and we will try to come tomorrow!!!!!!!! when I pointed out that they hold the right dressing and what I have is not right as it is making the wound leak more, her more frustrating reply was 'don't keep changing the dressing'!!!!!!!!!!! I tried my best to maintain my coolness and not snap as I pointed out that since the leak has made my whole shirt wet I have to change and it is an infection puss that can NOT stay on me! No reaction or response was received and our telephone conversation ended with nurse apologising but can't come. I had no option but to ask my carer to change my shirt and dressing who like the nurse thought what's the point of changing as it would happen again!!! basically she had another 'client' therefore was in a hurry to finish with me, as I explained to the nurse previously this leak can not stay on me it is an infected puss!!!!!!!
I finally got changed into clean clothes with new dressing but I am lucky, I have the ability to communicate and can function to certain extent and don't live alone, what about old and vulnerable people who may not have the means to defend themselves or seek advice.....
Why choose a career when you lack the basic requirement for it 'Care profession' care being the operative word which is seriously lacking among our society and witnessed more in health institutions. People would blame cuts or the governments poor handling of health but can the government enforce a law that requires all professions to care? Can money buy common sense and care? I think I will end my first blog with that question what is it that makes people don't care about others? and how can it be fixed?
I finally got changed into clean clothes with new dressing but I am lucky, I have the ability to communicate and can function to certain extent and don't live alone, what about old and vulnerable people who may not have the means to defend themselves or seek advice.....
Why choose a career when you lack the basic requirement for it 'Care profession' care being the operative word which is seriously lacking among our society and witnessed more in health institutions. People would blame cuts or the governments poor handling of health but can the government enforce a law that requires all professions to care? Can money buy common sense and care? I think I will end my first blog with that question what is it that makes people don't care about others? and how can it be fixed?
I agree! The healthcare system in the UK has been deteriorating over the past few years with little to no importance in helping improve the sector. There needs to be a strong initiative towards assuring that everyone has adequate care, as you rightly stated, especially to the older and more vulnerable of people. What can be done from a governmental level to enforce a greater expectation in the healthcare system?